The support site of leading Chinese PC manufacturer Lenovo has been compromised by unknown attackers who injected a rogue IFrame into the pages over the weekend. Security
At the moment, the malicious executable is detected by only ten of the 41 antivirus products listed on VirusTotal.
3 years ago similar accident happen with ASUS website (who does not know ASUS?), there's an iframe added which leads to the ANI exploit (think at that time the ANI exploit was still 0-day)
it's really fascinating when website important computer manufacturer has this kind of exploit... planted by someone...
with each breath you take the body of universe into you...
with each breath you exchange the body of the universe with your body
In fact radio active isotope calculation shows, we replace 98% of the atom of your body within 1 year
we make a new liver every 6 weeks, a new skeleton once every 3 months, a new stomach lining every 5 days, a new skin once a month
What is a kill bit?
A security feature in Microsoft Internet Explorer makes it possible to prevent an ActiveX control from ever being loaded by the Internet Explorer HTML-rendering engine. This is done by making a registry setting and is referred to as setting the kill bit. After the kill bit is set, the control can never be loaded, even when it is fully installed. Setting the kill bit makes sure that even if a vulnerable component is introduced or is re-introduced to a system, it remains inert and harmless.